(found the idea here :words of encouragement (keri smith))
oliver jeffers

Oliver has a new book.
He has really outdone himself this time.
It's the best so far.
I almost cried at the store.
10 ways.....
But what I wanted to share with you now is this:

1. Document what you are responding to regularly. *journal/sketchbook, blog, listmaking, photo journal, bulletin board collage, internet bookmarks, Allow yourself to go deeper into an idea. Find influence outside of your field. Consider that you are ALWAYS working for yourself.
2. Start to challenge yourself on a regular basis to try new things, (not just for work. *i.e. new foods, colors, processes, classes, travel, become a guerilla artist, etc. Your hobbies are your greatest source of play.)
3. Go back to your childhood, (the formative years). What were your favourite things to do? In this lies some clues as to where you want to focus your energy as an adult. What makes you burst with energy?
4. Do something that is not for money. For your own enjoyment. (Your greatest work will come from here!)
-x-mas card
-product concept
-gifts for friends.
Design for yourself. *See handout on guerilla art.
5. Use sources that are based on your daily life. Your life IS your art. What are the things that are most important in your current life?
6. Become a collector. Collecting allows us to look at one thing in a contemplative & mindful way. Giving you new insights and perceptions. Examples: Maria Kalman -purse contents, Steven Guarnaccia -shoe sole
rubbings, Ian Phillips & Grant Heaps -Lost & Found pet posters, Mark Ulriksen (former art director) -misspellings of his name, Charles & Rae Eames -toys from other countries
7. "Pay no attention to the man behind that curtain." Ignore what other people are doing. It has no bearing on your existence or vision of the world. The times we feel the most discouraged are usually due to the fact we are comparing ourselves to others. Most times reading awards annuals, and industry mags only serves to make us feel inadequate. Try cutting it out entirely. Designer Bruce Mau recommends not entering awards competitions. His reasoning, “Just don’t do it, it’s not good for you.”
8. Don't promote to target your audience. By all means send things out into the world, but don't think in terms of "promoting to get work". Send stuff out because -you're proud of it, -you want to share something with the world, -it's fun to get mail, -to have good karma, -you want to spread your germs, -you like licking stamps. Try sending a postcard of something you made for fun, (i.e. directions on how to make a finger puppet). When thinking of subject matter for promotions look to your current life. If you deal with topics that are important to you a piece will have much more life to it.
9. Take a lighthearted approach (Don't take yourself too seriously). If you feel stuck, you can always reinvent yourself, (re: try something else).
10. Study other artists or creators who followed their own vision. Research.
It's from here.
art house co op.
"So first of all, I'm editing a guidebook to new york right now (yes while on vacation) and came across this place that seemed like it had your name all over it-- a gallery that has projects anyone can participate in, you mail your submission in, there's an opening and a book, and they're all super cute and fun. www.arthousecoop.com"
haven't looked too much at it, but it seems amazing!
contents of purse

This article about Francois Robert's photo project inspired me to take a photo of contents of my purse right at this moment. I think the empty "blues away" tea packet and 2 cards from therapist's office says a lot, and is hilarious next to art given to me by Penny on Friday. Not sure why I have 9 quarters! What's in your purse?
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a story about motherhood by vivien mcdermid
I especially like the part about having nice things [and saying one day we'll have a party and I won't mind if everything gets ruined]
an interview with a favorite (done by a favorite)
leonard weisgard

Have you ever heard of Leonard Weisgard? Just discovered him today - but absolutely smitten. Could not really find good pictures of a lot of his books - so here are some covers - The Poodle and The Sheep? I mean, come on!